In order to ensure the safety of all our visitors and pilots, we ask them to read the regulations below.

Any person entering the Karting des Fagnes site ensures that they are aware of the special provisions applied to the entire site, its facilities, the use of karts rented and the use of private karts.

A summary of these regulations is also available in the establishment's cafeteria and at the entrance to the rental part as well as the competition entrance.

NB: Karting des Fagnes abbreviated = KDF



Article 1

These regulations apply to all people on or around the karting circuit and within the Karting des Fagnes premises. Access to the land – both on the circuit and its outbuildings and all other land located within the external enclosure of the site – is at the risk of the people concerned. The owners, operators, managers, race/event organizers cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for theft and/or damage suffered by property belonging to third parties, nor can they be subject to liability. any claim for compensation. They cannot be held responsible or be subject to claims for compensation, including for direct or indirect bodily harm resulting from or caused by any activity on the land managed or operated by the KDF as well as the personnel of the companies present on the site.

Section 2

No unauthorized person may enter the circuit itself, except to drive a kart (driver) or to repair it (mechanic), at the own risk of the persons concerned. In the event of a breakdown, the kart must be removed from the circuit as quickly as possible and the driver must ensure that this can be done safely. Mechanics, photographers or any other persons who wish to enter the circuit grounds must make a prior request to a member of the KDF staff, which in no way modifies Art.1

Section 3

The circuit is in principle open every day except Thursday (closing day) from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from April to October and from 10:00 a.m. to dusk for the other months. Regarding rental karts, other times apply during opening days. Timetables are updated every Monday on the website

Article 4

Private vehicles, caravans and trailers must, unless otherwise authorized, be parked in the parking lots provided for this purpose. They must be placed so as not to constitute a nuisance for other users, the operator having, otherwise, the right to have the vehicle and/or the equipment concerned moved at the expense of its owner.

Article 5

Vehicles with kart(s) only are allowed to enter the open paddock reserved for drivers and mechanics. They must be placed in such a way as not to constitute a nuisance for other users, otherwise the operator has the right to have the vehicle and/or the equipment concerned moved at the expense of its owner. In the event of a race or rental of the terrain to one or third parties, all drivers/participants must always follow the instructions of the organizer and the terrain manager. No vehicles may be parked on the asphalt parts of the paddock. Any oil or coolant leak observed on a visitor's vehicle which has the effect of polluting the KDF site will be subject to decontamination at the visitor's expense.

Article 6

The public, and any person not driving a (rental) kart, or not directly and technically responsible for it, are not authorized to enter the circuit, nor in the closed park reserved for drivers. Drivers and mechanics are not authorized to enter the drivers' park and/or the kart circuit itself if they have not passed the administrative control (during the races) or if they have not paid rental of the circuit in the cafeteria. Each driver or person wishing to enter the track must also first sign a waiver of appeal (via registration) which will de facto signify acknowledgment of these internal regulations. After registration, private pilots are provided with a bracelet, this bracelet must be worn on the wrist. It will be worn so as to be quickly visible in case it needs to be shown when entering the track.

When using the circuit, all drivers are expected not to have any contraindications to the practice of motor sports (medical or otherwise) and to use a kart in good condition and commensurate with their abilities and/or their license grade. A license is desirable (RACB, FFSA, etc.) or at least individual insurance coverage.

Article 7

Anyone on or around the circuit, including drivers and mechanics, must also respect the following points:

All overflows and vents must be collected in a tank. All overflows from the carburetor, engine and radiator must be collected in a tank with a minimum capacity of ¼ liter. These tanks must be drained regularly.

Any kart used on the circuit must be equipped with side fairings, a front spoiler and a rear bumper (metal or plastic) covering at least two thirds of the rear wheels.

The karts must be equipped with an approved intake filter as well as an effective exhaust silencer; noise pollution checks can be carried out at any time.

Any kart presenting excessive noise pollution will be banned from the track until compliance and approval by KDF officials.

Required equipment:

IAME (X30 and others): Original exhaust system, additional silencer kit in good condition, original or CIK-FIA approved air filter

Rotax Max: Exhaust system and air filter in good condition and original

OK/OKJ: Original exhaust system, additional silencer kit in good condition, original or CIK-FIA approved air filter

Karts not limited in speed: prohibited on the large circuit, tolerated on the small circuit subject to a satisfactory noise level. Original exhaust system, additional silencer kit in good condition, original or CIK-FIA approved air filter.

4T karts, rotary engine karts: only with special authorization and subject to an acceptable noise level.

Gearbox karts: Latest generation exhaust system and air filter, CIK-FIA approved, in good condition.


Each driver undertakes to use a kart in working order and presenting no risk to himself or others.

Each driver must inform their family insurance of the practice of a motor sport.

When leaving the site, you must take all your waste (garbage bags, bottles, tanks, packaging, etc.) with you. Anyone leaving oil, fuel or other polluting substances on the site or in the KDF parking lot, will owe the sum of 300 euros to the KDF.

A tire disposal plan has been put in place by KDF; contact the Stewards or the store for any deposit of used tires.

Any person polluting the ground (regardless of the location within the KDF premises) will be liable for a sum of €500 to the KDF. This sum is increased to €1000 for any hydrocarbon spill into the sewers. If this pollution is intentional, a report will be drawn up by the police. In all cases, the clean-up will be the responsibility of the person responsible for the pollution.

To this end, the installation of a floor covering of at least 2M by 3M covering the occupants' work space is mandatory, at the risk of being prohibited from accessing the KDF car park.

Article 8

Drivers must enter and exit the karting track via the entrances and exits provided for this purpose near the drivers' park closed. Karts cannot be parked in the entrance or exit lane of the park reserved for drivers or on the side of the circuit. Accident or breakdown drivers must move immediately to a safe place, for example behind the safety tires, in order to avoid any accident and to guarantee their own safety, that of the drivers on the circuit and that of other people present. located on or around the circuit. It is strictly forbidden to do mechanics on the circuit.

Section 9

Before driving on the circuit with a kart (rental or private), everyone is required to register, be registered and pay the rental amount for the circuit. In the event of an accident or disaster caused by a driver other than the one registered, it is the latter, as well as the registered driver, who will be held co-responsible and possibly prosecuted for material, immaterial and bodily damage suffered by third parties and/or by the non-registered driver of the kart in question.

Article 10

In the event of damage caused to the infrastructure, the following amounts will apply (excluding VAT):

– per fencing element: €200

– per pylon/pole: €75

– receiving net: €150 per net

– advertising banner around the circuit: €75 per m²

Concerning rental karts, repair costs may be charged to the driver if he is at fault.

Section 11

Any violation of articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be punished by a fine ranging from €30 to €300 depending on the case. In the event of a repeat offense, the person(s) concerned may be prohibited from accessing the circuit.

Article 12

Any person entering the field accepts and undertakes to respect these regulations and to follow the directives of the circuit managers and their employees. In the event of non-compliance with signals or orders from the circuit manager (and/or his staff), physical or verbal violence, obvious carelessness, damage or non-compliance with these regulations, sanctions may be imposed. be taken, ranging from a driving ban and exclusion from the circuit to a fine and civil proceedings. No appeal is possible against the decisions taken by those responsible for the circuit.

Article 13

Holders of an (annual) subscription who do not comply with these regulations are exposed, depending on the seriousness of the facts, to sanctions ranging from expulsion from the circuit to withdrawal of the subscription without right to reimbursement of a part or all of the amount of the annual subscription, see to filing a complaint with the competent legal authorities. The management of the KDF or its duly authorized representative is authorized to make any decision concerning the sanction to be applied, without any right of appeal.

The circuit grounds are only accessible to people in payment with any invoice issued by the shareholder companies that own the circuit. Any person in dispute with the circuit will be refused entry into the circuit grounds until the KDF officials deem a joint proposal to resolve the dispute acceptable.

Article 14

Kart drivers – and in the case of minor drivers: their parents, guardians or other persons responsible – are responsible for their own damages suffered, whether material, immaterial or bodily, and must take appropriate insurance accordingly. . The owners, operators, organizers and, by extension, any person directly or indirectly involved in the operation of the circuit and the rental of karts (rental) or the karting competitions cannot be held responsible or be subject to liability. no claims for compensation from pilots or persons/bodies assuming their legal responsibility.

Any driver – and in the case of a minor driver: his parents, guardians or other responsible persons – and any mechanic waives, by his simple participation in kart races, or even the simple driving of leisure karts, any recourse against the KDF as well as against the employees of these legal entities, for any possible error committed by the latter before, during or after an activity or a race involving or having involved these legal entities or their employees. This waiver of recourse applies both to damage suffered by the pilot in person, his team or members thereof, as well as to damage caused and to be compensated by the pilot, his team or members of it. -this vis-à-vis third parties.

The pilot and his entourage undertake to systematically exempt KDF from any request that may be filed by third parties against the above-mentioned legal entities and/or their employees due to facts, errors or negligence not only on the part of the pilot, his entourage or certain members thereof, but also employees of the aforementioned authorities. This exemption extends to all amounts likely to be awarded to these third parties in principal sum, interest, compensation or legal costs.

Section 15

Driving rules for rental karts and necessary equipment:

It is strictly forbidden to zigzag, block, bump or push other karts.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances is strictly prohibited.
Any driver exhibiting dangerous behavior will be immediately arrested by staff.

To ensure their safety, rental kart drivers are recommended to wear the following equipment:

Full body suit OR Full legged long pants & Long sleeve T-shirt/sweatshirt

Full face helmet with closed visor (supplied by KDF in various sizes).

Gloves covering the hands completely

Closed shoes covering the ankles

Wearing rib protection is recommended but not mandatory.

Staff reserves the right to refuse access to the track to any person who does not respect these equipment instructions.
Pilots are responsible for ensuring their equipment is properly worn and fitted.

Article 16

Any person entering the circuit with a private kart must be equipped as follows:

– a helmet corresponding to at least the BENOR label or covered by approved CIK-FIA approval;

– suitable gloves that fully cover the hands;

– a pair of shoes that sufficiently protect the ankles;

– effective and unbreakable face protection. A turbo visor is only permitted in the event of rain or wet surfaces;

– a kart or car racing suit covering the entire body including the arms and legs;

– rain gear cannot under any circumstances replace the clothing described above;

– for pilots aged under 13, chest/rib protection as well as neck protection (neck brace) are mandatory.

KDF managers cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for monitoring the required attire.

Article 17

It is explicitly forbidden for any person entering the KDF site to engage in commercial operations without having obtained prior written authorization from the KDF.

Swimming pools are prohibited inside the cafeteria and on the terrace; all drinks or other food purchased outside the cafeteria or its outbuildings must be consumed elsewhere.

Section 18

It is imperative that the noise from the exhaust does not exceed 93 decibels. If, despite our warnings, the problem persists, we will then have to ban the kart until it complies with the rules in force.

Article 19

For all the rules included in this document; either the KDF, or each employee or person legally representing it, reserves the right to apply sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the regulations.

Sanctions can range from a simple warning to a ban on returning to the track for the day or more, depending on the seriousness of the facts, without being entitled to a refund.

Article 20

AXA insurance company policy number AXA 48.005.505

These regulations were drawn up on January 7, 2019. They replace all previous versions from the aforementioned date.

The French text is authentic.