24h - Your Team

24h - Your team


Catering program:

Vendredi 17 mai :

  • Repas : Jambon grillé accompagné de pâtes froides et ses légumes. 3 crudités : concombres, tomates, carottes. Sauce chaude : champignon, poivre. Variété de pâtes froides.
  • Réservation uniquement avant le 13 mai.
  • Coût : Gratuit pour les pilotes, 20€ pour les accompagnants.
  • Collecting your tickets: Drivers at the administration, accompanying persons in the cafeteria.


  • Meal: Vol au vent OR Meatballs with fried tomato sauces.
  • Réservation uniquement avant le 13 mai.
  • Cost: €15 for everyone.
  • Collecting your tickets: At the cafeteria for drivers and accompanying persons.

General informations :

  • BBQ authorized under the same conditions as the previous year.
  • A lunch (2 pastries + 1 drink) offered to all pilots on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets must be collected during administration. Lost tickets will not be replaced.
  • Showers available by reservation in the cafeteria for Friday and Saturday.