
2024 ticket office

Use this ticket office to obtain our subscriptions, polo shirts, helmets, etc.

Or to give the gift of an unforgettable session on our circuit!

To book a session for a specific date & time, please visit our page Online booking.

Online help


Obtain an invoice for my company2024-02-21T14:16:22+01:00
  • When validating your basket, click on the pencil to the right of the “Company” box


    A “VAT” box appears, correctly fill in the name of your company and its VAT number


    You will then receive an invoice by email in the name of your company

I no longer know which email is associated with my account2022-11-04T17:32:58+01:00
  • Send us an email telling us your:

    • Name
    • First name
    • Date of birth

    At this address : info@kartingdesfagnes.com

  • Send us an email telling us your:

    • Name
    • First name
    • Date of birth

    At this address : info@kartingdesfagnes.com

    Or by telephone at (+32) 60 31 26 70

I don't have a password / I forgot it2021-05-05T17:58:06+02:00
  • To log in easily, go to the “Log in” page:
  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Already registered or Forgotten password?” button. »

  • Enter the email with which you think you registered when you came to Karting des Fagnes

  • You will then receive a new password by email allowing you to connect and use all our online services, consult your records, etc.

  • To log in easily, go to the “Log in” page:
  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Already registered or Forgotten password?” button. »

  • Enter the email with which you think you registered when you came to Karting des Fagnes

  • You will then receive a new password by email allowing you to connect and use all our online services, consult your records, etc.

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