Private Kart Reservation2025-01-23T19:37:20+01:00

Private Karts

The Private Kart, in the footsteps of the champions...

Do you own your own kart? So treat yourself and come ride on the 1366 meter international track. You will ride in the footsteps of Hamilton, Alonso, Button, Kovalainen, Raïkkonen and many others!

The Private Kart, in the footsteps of the champions...

Do you own your own kart? So treat yourself and come ride on the 1366 meter international track. You will ride in the footsteps of Hamilton, Alonso, Button, Kovalainen, Raïkkonen and many others!


Online help

Obtain an invoice for my company2024-02-21T14:16:22+01:00
  • When validating your basket, click on the pencil to the right of the “Company” box


    A “VAT” box appears, correctly fill in the name of your company and its VAT number


    You will then receive an invoice by email in the name of your company

I no longer know which email is associated with my account2022-11-04T17:32:58+01:00
  • Send us an email telling us your:

    • Name
    • First name
    • Date of birth

    At this address :

  • Send us an email telling us your:

    • Name
    • First name
    • Date of birth

    At this address :

    Or by telephone at (+32) 60 31 26 70

I don't have a password / I forgot it2021-05-05T17:58:06+02:00
  • To log in easily, go to the “Log in” page:
  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Already registered or Forgotten password?” button. »

  • Enter the email with which you think you registered when you came to Karting des Fagnes

  • You will then receive a new password by email allowing you to connect and use all our online services, consult your records, etc.

  • To log in easily, go to the “Log in” page:
  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Already registered or Forgotten password?” button. »

  • Enter the email with which you think you registered when you came to Karting des Fagnes

  • You will then receive a new password by email allowing you to connect and use all our online services, consult your records, etc.

Not yet subscribed?

Frequently asked Questions

“Subscriber” products unavailable2022-06-04T16:59:32+02:00

To access “Subscriber” products, you must log in with an account benefiting from an annual subscription.
If you are a parent of a pilot trying to register your child, please log in with your child's account if they are the one receiving the subscription.
If you have a problem, send us an email via

What are your hours/prices?2024-09-19T13:32:44+02:00

Our timetables can be consulted via these pages:

-> Rental Hours 

-> Private Kart Schedules

Our prices are available on these pages:

-> Rental Kart Prices
-> Private Kart Prices

What is the minimum age/height to ride?2021-09-07T11:48:55+02:00

You must be at least 12 years old and at least 1.50m tall to be able to reach the pedals. If you reach 12 years of age within the year, it is valid.

If you own your own kart, there are no age or height restrictions.

Didn't find the answer to your question?

Call us

(+32) 60 31 26 70

Write us

Come visit

13 Rue du Karting 5660 Mariembourg

Frequently asked Questions

“Subscriber” products unavailable2022-06-04T16:59:32+02:00

To access “Subscriber” products, you must log in with an account benefiting from an annual subscription.
If you are a parent of a pilot trying to register your child, please log in with your child's account if they are the one receiving the subscription.
If you have a problem, send us an email via

What are your hours/prices?2024-09-19T13:32:44+02:00

Our timetables can be consulted via these pages:

-> Rental Hours 

-> Private Kart Schedules

Our prices are available on these pages:

-> Rental Kart Prices
-> Private Kart Prices

What is the minimum age/height to ride?2021-09-07T11:48:55+02:00

You must be at least 12 years old and at least 1.50m tall to be able to reach the pedals. If you reach 12 years of age within the year, it is valid.

If you own your own kart, there are no age or height restrictions.

Didn't find the answer to your question?

Call us

(+32) 60 31 26 70

Write us

Come visit

13 Rue du Karting 5660 Mariembourg

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